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Ashleigh Stevens

Becoming Home: Journeying Through the Rooms of My Past to Reclaim My Story


Ashleigh Stevens' memoir takes readers back in time to the rooms of her past. She revisits the memories that bring her the most sorrow as well as joy, to show that no matter how painful the room may be, there is always light and a lesson that lies underneath. Her rooms explore difficult topics as she relives the abuse she suffered at the hands of her stepfather as well as a past boyfriend. She enters rooms of illness and the death that changed her family forever. The more rooms she enters, the more aware she becomes. The doors into her mind begin to change and so does the author. Through therapy, written in beautiful prose, author Ashleigh Stevens shows readers how to embrace our darkest memories to live a life full of light.
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Becoming Home: Journeying Through the Rooms of My Past to Reclaim My Story
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