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Authors, competitive Taekwondo athletes, and teenage twins Sally and Jonah Ismael endured severe childhood psychological, emotional, and mental distress as they confronted their fears, doubts, pain, and chronic PTSD during the traumatic experience of abuse, bullying, and rejection they have encountered. The journey they have taken to unveil their identity and the true face behind many people’s masks enveloped them through stereotypes, labels, and stigmas that others want them to carry. On their long journey, they encountered many painful mental battles regarding their identity; and also unlocked strategies to heal their wounds. The Night Blooming is a reflection on the journals they wrote in the seven years they were imprisoned training in their garage. They practiced alone; were rejected and abused by many. At first, the twins wallowed in their pain, as they watched their childhood slowly being obliterated. However, on their quest, they discovered a world of forces within themselves that led them down a different path and revealed their purpose in life. The Night Blooming is a journey of healing for teenage twins who dared to say no to their abuser. Sally and Jonah Ismael are competitive athletes who compete internationally in their sport, Taekwondo. They were awarded The Award of Excellence by Noble Laureate in Science and Medicine, Dr. Mario Capecchi. Sally and Jonah are both Congressional Award Medalists, one of the highest honors bestowed upon young people from the United States Congress and both earned a STEM Star as well. They are the founders of the non-profit organization, “The Power Within,” and former members of the AAU/USA National Team. Both have been practicing their sport in their garage on their own since 2016; both hold black belts. Sally and Jonah are active advocates on social media platforms as they spread awareness about mental health, abuse and how to cope with bullying. The two also write daily motivational blogs to encourage young people to find the strength within themselves.

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Sally and Jonah Ismael

The Night Blooming

2024 NYC Big Book Award

Distinguished Favorite

The Night Blooming

Self-help: Motivational

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