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S K Yeatts
Hologlyphs II: Afterlight
2023 NYC BBA Distinguished Favorite
“S.K. Yeatts’ Hologlyphs II: Afterlight is a luminous book of poems that seem to be gathered from the estuary of his senses…It is a book that deserves to be read again and again.” --Robert René Galván, Author of The Shadow of Time
“In these poems, the physical becomes the emotional, coloring the terrain of towns, countrysides, and cities with the deep and enduring pleasures and pains of human love and loss.” --P.C. Scheponik, author of Psalms to Padre Pio and four more poetry books.
“…if you are looking for a collection of poems that surprise, challenge, and intellectually entertain in unexpected ways through classic as well as novel uses of poetic devices, then Yeatts’ book is for you.” --John Sweeder, a poet and memoirist, author of Untethered Balloons
“…The poet is like a strange relative who appears in a cassock unannounced, quietly regales the family with tales of the strange world in which he has travelled only to disappear before the dawn with no indication of when he will return.” --Peter Freeman, author of Elements: Twelve Stories and Growth: Poems
“The book Hologlyphs II Afterlight is magnetic and filled with lights, sounds and smells.” --David Dephy – A Georgian-American award-winning poet, novelist, multi-media artists, and author of poetry book Eastern Star
“In Hologlyphs II: Afterlight, his second book of poetry, visual artist and poet S.K. Yeatts, continues to explore the ineffable relationship between photography and poetry he began in his award-winning first collection, Hologlyphs: Twilight Fields” --J.R. Solonche, award-winning poet and authors of numerous poetry books, most recently of Selected Poems 2002-2021
“There is a haunting silence about these poems, the words on the page fill with deeper and deeper meaning as you read, and give each word the authority of an impassioned whisper in the dark.” --Martin Golan, Author of One Night with Lilith and A Note of Consolation for Lucia Jones
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Adelaide Books
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