Bean Saves the Day by Rey A. Banda

Scooter and Friends Take a Vacation by Nancy Strom

But the Sparrow Stayed by Norman Whaler

Our Prince of Scribes: Writers Remember Pat Conroy Editors: Nicole Seitz and Jonathan Haupt

L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 36 Editor David Farland

The Enigma Beyond: Who Won the AI Wars by Breakfield and Burkey

Becoming American: A Political Memoir by Cary D. Lowe

Goodbye Homeboy: How My Students Drove Me Crazy and Inspired a Movement by Steve Mariotti

Meet The Principal: My Journey Beyond the Curriculum by Jane Blomstrand
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NYC Big Book Award

Sweet Rosa by Kingsley Osei

Inspirations: My Vivid Imagination Has Been Transformed into Reality by Peterson Francois

Megge of Bury Down by Rebecca Kightlinger

Legacy of Lies by Janet K.Shawgo

Once Removed: Stories by Colette Sartor

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The Chimpanzee Chronicles: Stories of Heartbreak and Hope from Behind the Bars by Debra Rosenman

Ethical Profit: A Guide to Increasing Profit Using Sustainable Business by Samantha Richardson

Human Resource Management Essentials You Always Wanted To Know by Jaquina Gilbert

Lessons From My Grandfather: Lessons for Success in Business and Life by Marc Charles Demetriou

Lifescale: How to Live a More Creative, Productive, and Happy Life by Brian Solis

3 Vital Questions by David Emerald

Be a Free Range Human: Escape the 9-5, Create a Life You Love and Still Pay the Bills by Marianne Cantwell

Careering: The Pocket Guide to Exploring Your Future Career by Tamara S. Raymond

The Puzzle Quests: Sketchy Dinosaurs by Janine De Tillio Cammarata

Granny's Trilogy by Jo Anne Burrill

On The Day You Were Born by Deborah Chalmers

Why Stop for Tajo? by L.S.V. Baker

Maxzyne and the Old Horse Theatre (Maxzyne Adventure Series) by Caroline Lee

Winging It!, A Monarch Love Story by Bev Davis

Anna's Big Wish by Tracy Harding

Amen to the Garden: Dandelions to Dinner by Kim Cataldo Thompson

The Best Lousy Choice: An Ed Earl Burch Novel by Jim Nesbitt

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Fair Means Or Foul by Keith Wright

Profiteering, Corruption and Fraud in U.S. HealthCare by John Geyman, M.D.

On Wings of Hope: Leading Lily Home by Cynthia Lynch Bischoff PhD

A Good Running Away by Kevin Pettway

The Fate of Magick by Bella Rayne

The Race to the Blackened Nevers, Book 1, The Woeful Wager by Douglas Bain

Awaken the Three by D.L. Jennings

Mythicals by Dennis Meredith

They Shot Kennedy by David Benjamin

Torched: Summer of '64 by Joe Edd Morris

When Life Was Like a Cucumber by Greg Wyss

Fearlessly Fit: A 6-Week Fitness, Food & Faith Bible by Alisa Hope Wagner

Feeling Good Living Low Toxin in Community and Everyday Life by Cheryl Meyer

Amelia's Gold by James D. Snyder

Megge of Bury Down by Rebecca Kightlinger

Between These Walls by Michael Newman

The Naughty List by Thomas Conway

Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Vol 1, 3rd Ed: Guiding Principles to Welcome Rain into Your Life and Landscape by Brad Lancaster

All Hollow by Simeon Courtie

Preaching Happiness by Ginny Sassaman

Valiance by Vanessa Caraveo

Secrets of Hominea by David W. Tollen

The Adventures of Rockford T. Honeypot by Josh Gottsegen

Toro by Andrew Avner

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Heartfelt Leadership: How to Capture the Top Spot and Keep on Soaring Deb Boelkes (Author), Mark Goulston M.D. (Foreword)

The Journey of Not Knowing: How 21st Century Leaders Can Chart a Course Where There Is None by Julie Benezet

N-STINCTIVE Natural Intelligence by Rosie Tomkins

The American Strangler by Robert M. Fleisher

Cry of an Osprey by Angie Vancise

Welcome to the Day by Keven Renken

American Corporate by Jeb Harrison

Junkyard at No Town by J.C. Myers

Does She Think of Me, A Birth Mother's Journey to Forgiveness by Cathy Williams-Thrun

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This Ain't My Life by Bilal Alaji

Crooked Fences by C.J. Heigelmann

In the Shadow of Heros: The Story of Bravo Company 4/21 in Vietnam by Slater Davis

Darkest Betrayals by Bella Rayne

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Saxxons in Witherston: A Witherston Murder Mystery Betty Jean Craige

SOAR! ...LOSER by Ross A. Phelps

Spent Identity by Marlene M. Bell

Preacher Fakes a Miracle: An Evan Wycliff Mystery by Gerald Everett Jones

N-STINCTIVE Natural Intelligence by Rosie Tomkins

When a Stranger Comes... by Karen S. Bell

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Legacy of Lies by Janet K.Shawgo

Truth To Triumph by Lily Sanders

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The Magnificent Adventures of Folotjing - The Brave and Kindhearted by Rio N. Cortez

Takota's Dream by Anne Kruse

Dead Shark on the N Train by Susana H. Case

I Asked the Wind: A Collection of Romantic Poetry by Valerie Nifora

Life in Suspension by Hélène Cardona

Mrs. Latimer Had a Fat Cat: And Other Cozy Mystery Poems by Bart J. Gilbertson

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Field Light by Owen Lewis

My Skull Possession by Lisa M. Miller

Growing up Meathead by James B. Zimmerman

2 Retire In Panama by Greg Kitzmiller

Learn to Love: Guide to Healing Your Disappointing Love Life by Thomas Jordan, Ph.D.

Absence by Kaye Park Hinckley

Bear into Redemption by Alisa Hope Wagner

The Miraculous Realm of Heaven On Earth by Hila J. Esters

3001 by Ginger Lee

A Summer Place by Ann DeFee

Invisible Soft Return:\ by Roberta Degnore

Lost Universe by Keith Brandon

Time Stands Still: La Sombra by Frank LaCroix

Solar Reboot by Matthew D. Hunt

The Breakthrough in Two Acts by Fredric C. Hartman, Ph.D.

Turn The Tables - from Challenges to Opportuntities by Priya Kumar

The Regenerative Life: Transforming Any Organization, Our Society, Your Destiny Carol Sanford

Playing Through the Fence: Stories from 19 Women who Challenged Stereotypes, Prejudice and Other Barriers to Achieve Career Success by Mary J. Dowell

Be Free. Be You. by Achea Redd

A Book of Creeps & Haunts by Dr. Bon Blossman, Zakk Myer

The Last Human Heart by Allison Joseph

Profiteering, Corruption and Fraud in U.S. HealthCare by John Geyman, M.D.

The Secret Brokers by Alexandrea Weis

AFTER THE EVIL The Jake Roberts Series, Book 1 by Cary Allen Stone

Past This Point by Nicole Mabry

Retribution by TK Walls

The Meat Hunter by Megan Allen

The New Reality by Stephen Martino

Stone Wall and Other Stories by Connie Claire Szarke

Cedar Creek by Bronwyn Trotter

The Trappers Promise by Bronwyn Trotter

Polishing Jade by Tekoa Manning

Hex: The Apprentice by Fran Hodgkins

Irish Town by Matthew John Meagher

Life Simply Moves On by Niedhie Agarwal

Merged by Jim and Stephanie Kroepfl

Someone in the Walls by Teymour Shahabi

The Jericho River by David W. Tollen